Shape, color, and textiles have led me from Lithuania and Russia to Switzerland, New York and now to Portugal. Cuts, patterns and illustration have led me to art directing big fashion companies with massive turnouts of collections every year.

      After moving to Portugal around 2014, I decided to focus on a creatively and environmentally more sustainable rhythm and to give back to the communities I relate to: Portugal and Lithuania, my homeland. I started collaborating with the local artist community, whilst also focusing on projects for empowering women. I created opportunities in education and skill improvement in order to produce limited, highest-quality, handmade series of garments.

      My garments are being produced without fixed deadlines, our workers accomplish them at their own pace. This enables local women to take care of loved ones, be they small children, elderly relatives or children with special needs. For this reason, Jevaprojects stopped working with boutiques that request garments or entire collections at specific deadlines.

      Our garments are finished, when they are finished. They are made with time, love and out of sustainable materials. They – and other objects – are sold exclusively in our online shop, thus sustaining Portuguese and Lithuanian communities of artists, craftspeople and their extended families. They are hand-made, of the highest quality regarding both craftsmanship and materials and they last forever, if you show them some love and treat them kindly.